Sometimes we as individuals have people in our lives never thinking that one day everything could possibly change while our proposes for whatever they are have a set limit depending on our spiritual contracts we agreed to before incarnating into this lifetime. It may seem that the lives and people we are born into will last forever, but as time goes on, nothing is certain and we never really know what tomorrow brings. We all hope that we can live forever with the very people we love, but sometimes things just happen. While this is a part of life and that will never change, we will explore the different ways of connecting to the spirits of loved ones.
It’s a strange thing to me coming into this life because we are born vulnerable without any ability to talk, walk, and basically not really understanding anything that is going on in, and around us. From that point moving forward, you are forced to learn at different stages of your life to perfect certain things in order to evolve as an individual. While You spend years trying, and experimenting with different that things that seem appealing to you, you will realize most things you try will never really work out because other things are going on in your life. So the effort it takes to live a somewhat decent life takes a whole lot of energy where the purpose many not necessarily be for you, but for someone else.
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This leads to unknown reasons why you experience such things to begin with, but it can very well be in alignment with your spiritual contract. For those that don’t know what a spiritual contract is, it’s an agreement with your higher-self with others involved, in which you agree to experience a physical life to learn what you need to satisfy a part of your soul that needs a specific physical event for whatever reason that is. In this regard, it seems that the family, choices, friends, acquaintances, etc., is predetermined and nothing is left to chance, and while free will governs our reality, we have the choice to go through or abort the experience altogether. I’ve written about it more in another blog titled “Never tap out on what matter the most”. When a choice is presented, at times the outcome that is predetermined is derailed for reasons that don’t fit the mold of what your perception of life may be.
To further explain, the people that we hold near and dear to us are basically what we want to see in ourselves and the connections that are formed on the physical plane may have started on the spiritual side where you made an agreement to experience a certain event. I wrote on another blog “The great illusion of separation’’ which explain that although it may seem that we are disconnected on a physical level, we ultimately come from source energy that is neither created nor destroyed. It may seem that we are separated when someone passes we must understand that the much of the grief and sadness we feel is based on our ego’s unwillingness to accept certain facts. The strange thing is, is that we are just actors living a script that was thought out well before touching down in this reality.
Although a lot of what you read here you may think isn’t possible, but when you change you filters of what you think is not possible a whole new realm of spirituality comes to light. When you start to open to open up to news ideas, you soon realize that the separation of a loved one that has passed is purely a temporary experience we all share, where one day we all will reconnect on the other side. When you have experienced much of loss, you in a way get used to it, and soon realize they are in a better place, and instead of a passing, I prefer to call it “a graduation and see you later”. After all, when you look at the whole picture and everything involved, you can see why it is called a celebration of life where they completed this one, and off to the next.
Furthermore, no one really truly knows the answers because no one has ever been gone for an extended period of time and came back to talk about it. The only bits of information you get are NDE’s or near death experiences where people have passed and have gone to a place where no words can describe while meeting loved ones, and others that are not known here but are very well known on the other side. While it’s said that the people that are clinically passed for a very short period of time, they say that when on the side, no such time exist only the full loving encompassing light that surrounds their true selves. There are many videos where people that talk about this and some dedicate their whole life after which speaking of the true realities of the afterlife. There is one such channel called “Channeling Erik” where much of this is talked about and more is pointed making a point that although a physical body is gone, they’re true purpose is revealed, and once in the light, he or she has the ability to come back and forth with no limitation. It’s rather interesting, and although I have no affiliation to the channel it makes you in way happy that no more worry or pain exist and leaves you wanting to listen to more.
Connecting to Spirits of Loved Ones
When connecting to spirits of loved ones, they are no tricks, or secrets involved, its rather what you feel in your heart to be true. You can and in effect communicate with your loved ones just by speaking their name and having a conversation, although one way, just know they are listening. That is why once you understand what energy is about in terms of it’s pure, you can see why nothing is impossible, it’s just at a different frequency other than what our physical bodies allow us to observe and what you can accept. For instance, let’s say you wanted a visitation of someone and have been really hoping for a chance, how would you feel if they were to just appear right in front of you. You would like anyone would probably run as fast as you can out of the room because it is something that you can’t accept, and isn’t normal to you. This is exactly what turns skeptics into true believers because it shows them what’s really an arms distance away.
Additionally, sometimes it may be a good thing because you get confirmation that they are with you and that the whole illusion of separation is just that, an illusion, and once you accept that you can ask for signs asking if their willing to communicate. Another way you can connect with them is through the most common way, in dreams. Sometimes the dreams that you have about your loved one seems so real, it’s would be like reading this post where you have no signal that you are, or may not be dreaming because of the vividness of what you experience. When you are there with them, it’s kind of strange because you know in the back of your mind that they came to visit you, but you are not to sure what to make of it. A lot of times you only remember what you first talked about, but forget the rest of the conversation in its entirety. The best possible way to put it, would be like running into an old friend that you been wanting to see for a very long time, but you are a lost for words because you weren’t expecting to see them.
When wanting to have these types of dreams, or whatever it’s considered they just happen out of nowhere, but according to many individuals you can ask them by granting permission to have some form of visitation. Which it makes sense because they cannot fully interfere with what you do in your life because this goes against feel will, but if you talk to them from your heart and ask them to have a chance encounter in a so-called dream state, more than likely it’ll happen because they are still connected to you no matter how much time passes. In addition, if you have been paying attention to certain things in your life, sometimes you get hints and find things that pertain to that very person, but most people write it of as being just another strange thing that happened while never connecting the two.
Likewise, you can confirm this by listening to psychics that communicate through spirits where they speak of names to the person, and it turns out to be family members that never really left their side. This is can be a comforting thought because if you have the chance to speak with one about your loved ones, it’ll turn out to be a reading of all the things you ever wanted to hear, which is strange because if they were truly gone, the psychic would not know what you wanted to hear about something you said a while back. This holds true for animals that you once loved because, in the purest sense of all things, love is the only real thing that bonds people together.
There are other methods you can use, but I’d use extreme caution when attempting to conjure up who you think may come through, but unintentionally inviting something you want NO part of. Since these are life experiences, sometimes we just learn and adjust to events because of the realness that our minds perceive our lives to be. In all fairness, there are many other stories that verify how communication can be done with these methods and a totally different way altogether, the only thing that truly stops something like this is your belief system. If this goes against it, you will out of your own truth deny peoples stories where you in a way block yourself from experiences such as these. Occasionally a wake-up call is all you really need to open your eyes and mind to other possibilities that far stretch what you deem possible, and from there it’s like the blinders are taken off and see things for what they really are.
While no one person has all the answers, it is more of a collective of information that shows us what can truly present itself. All you really need going into something like this is an open mind, and have pure intentions stemming from a place of love and acceptance. The only real thing you have is this moment, and this moment alone and what you choose to do with it. If you go at this with certain filters, you leave out a vast field of energetic possibilities where you never really reach your full potential and leave out experiences that can answer your questions that can lead to a happier life. In the words of William Blake, “If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite.” I’ll leave you with that.
x-X”Be the change you want to see in the world”X-x