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Pinecone – 3rd Eye Symbolism

The Pinecone is one of the oldest symbols known to human kind. Pinecones have been found all over the world in various cultures symbolizing Human Enlightenment, the Third Eye and the Pineal Gland.

The magnificent ruins of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, one of the most magical and spiritual places on earth, are filled with pine cone symbolism. The majestic stone ruins of Angkor Wat are a marvelous sight to behold. Immense towers shaped like pine cones silhouetted against the sky rise out of the lush green jungle in a way that defies the imagination.

The pinecone in its physical form has a spine that spirals in a perfect Fibonacci sequence in both directions. This is also known as Sacred Geometry”.

Our “Pine”al Gland, shaped like (and named after) the Pinecone, is at the geometric center of our brain and is intimately linked to our body’s perception of light.

The Pineal modulates our wake-sleep patterns and circadian rhythms, remains uniquely isolated from the blood-brain barrier system, and receives a higher percentage of blood flow than any other area of the body save the kidneys.

It is considered by many to be our biological Third Eye, the “Seat of the Soul,” the “Epicenter of Enlightenment” — and its sacred symbol throughout history, in cultures around the world, has been the Pinecone.

The Egyptian Staff of Osiris, dating back to approximately 1224 BC, depicts two intertwining serpents rising up to meet at a pinecone. Modern scholars and philosophers have noted the staff’s symbolic parallels to the Indian “Kundalini,” a spiritual energy in the body depicted as coiled serpents rising up from the base of the spine to the Third Eye (Pineal Gland) in the moment of enlightenment.

Awakened Kundalini represents the merging and alignment of the Chakras, and is said to be the one and only way to attain the “Divine Wisdom” bringing pure joy, pure knowledge and pure love.

Depictions of Hindu deities are also interwoven with both literal and symbolic representations of serpents and pinecones.

In some cases, Hindu gods are carved, sculpted or drawn holding a pinecone in an outstretched hand. Shiva, the most prominent god in the Hindu tradition, is consistently depicted with a head, or coiled hair, shaped in marked similarity to a pinecone and interwoven with a serpent or serpents.

In addition to spiritual consciousness and enlightenment, pinecones have also historically been used as symbols of everlasting or eternal life. Ancient Assyrian palace carvings, dating back to 713-716 BC depict four-winged God-like figures purposefully holding aloft pinecones, or in some cases, using a pinecone to pollinate their depiction of the Tree of Life — a tribute, perhaps, to both the Pinecone’s immortality symbolism and its role as an icon of enlightenment.

In yet another culture’s tribute to the Pinecone as symbolic of spiritual ascension and immortality, a statue of the Mexican god “Chicomecoatl” (“Seven Snakes”) again depicts the deity offering forth pinecones in one hand, and an evergreen tree in the other.

The Greeks and Romans also incorporated the Pinecone into their elaborate systems of religious belief and mythology. Dionysus, later known as Bacchus to the Romans, was continually depicted carrying a “Thyrsus,” a fennel staff woven with ivy and leaves and topped with a pinecone. The Thyrsus, purported to drip with honey, was regularly used as a sacred instrument at religious rituals and fetes.

Romans later built an enormous bronze sculpture, the “Pigna,” in the shape of a huge pinecone three stories tall. According to a popular medieval legend, the sculpture stood on top of the Pantheon, as a lid for the round opening in the center of the building’s vault. The Pigna is confirmed to have served as a large fountain overflowing with water next to the Temple of Isis in Ancient Rome, however, the gigantic statue now sits directly in front of the Catholic Vatican in the “Court of the Pinecone.”

Catholic religious tradition is intricately interwoven with pinecones, perhaps most prominently atop the sacred staff carried by the Pope himself. The Coat of Arms of the Holy See, found on the Vatican flag among other places, features a stacking of three crowns suspiciously similar in shape to a pinecone. The very name, “Holy See,” appears to many to be a direct reference to the Third Eye…

Pinecones also turn up as sources of “illumination” in the church, such as candleholders and lamps, seemingly symbolic of the spiritual illumination the Third Eye represents. All of these factors lead theorists and philosophers to accuse the Catholic church of using Christianity/Catholicism as a veil to blind the public to true spiritual enlightenment:

The Awakening of our Pineal Gland:

One theory proposes that the Pinecone was actually the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, purported in Genesis to have been eaten by Eve at the urgings of a serpent, and leading to the eviction of mankind from the Garden of Eden. This concept proves particularly provocative given the consistent reappearance of pinecone images with serpents and snake references across cultures.

Many researchers also point to the presence of pinecones in Freemason architecture and symbolism as another example of organized spiritual oppression. They believe the Freemasons fully understand the spiritual significance of the Third Eye, and regularly pay iconic tribute to it, while continuing to placate the masses with a doctrine of religious and cultural dogma.

Pinecones regularly appear framed in Freemason Octagons on the ceilings of Masonic Lodges, and Large Freemason sculptures on the side of the Whitehall Building in the New York Financial District goes so far as to depict two enormous intertwining snakes spiraling up to a pinecone overlooking Battery Place (which is striking similarity to the Staff of Osiris).

As with many iconic symbols throughout history (the Swastika, the Christian Cross, the All-Seeing-Eye on the dollar bill), the totemic power of the Pinecone has been used by a broad spectrum of both positive and negative cultural forces throughout history to reference and allude to Spiritual Enlightenment and the Third Eye.

The pine cone symbol, then, alludes to the Third Eye: it abounds in ancient art and architecture, a symbolic representation of our now-dormant window to the world.

While knowledge of the Third Eye and the practice of awakening the Third Eye continued strong in the East, it began to die in the West at the start of Christianity. Consequently, Secret Societies like the Freemasons were established to protect Third Eye knowledge, initiate new members into its wisdom, and keep the practice alive.

This explains why the image of a single Eye is common to Western Secret Societies, whose constituents possessed exceptionally philosophical, active, creative, and spiritual minds. A single Eye is one of the supreme and sacred emblems in Freemasonry.

The Third Eye seems strange, even downright alien to us in the West, even today, despite our living in the “information age” of globalization. The fact that the Third Eye is so unknown, so strange and so alien to our way of thinking is something of an enigma. The reason is because there seems to have always been, and there continues to be, a conscious effort to conceal it by the powerful elite who don’t want the masses to discover its secrets.

So there ya go.

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5 years ago

Excellent piece brother. I have always heard that symmetry is that of intelligent design and is replicated throughout the cosmos. Would that explain that the pineal could be considered the cradle of civilization because it connects us to our point of origin? Just a thought.

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